Resource Center: Seasonal Allergies

Typically in the American Northeast, the pollen seasons are the following:

  • Allergies to Tree Pollen: March-May
  • Allergies to Grass Pollen: April-October
  • Allergies to Weed Pollen: June-October

These seasons will vary elsewhere in the country and the world.
Changing weather patterns can affect this schedule.

Preventing allergic reactions

Many people who suffer from allergies believe there is no respite from their symptoms, or rely solely on medication to manage them. Luckily there are a number of things that you can do to help mitigate your symptoms!

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology has put together a list of tips to help prevent symptom outbreaks during allergy season.

1) When you opt to do a thorough spring-cleaning at the end of winter, make sure to do a deep clean. Making sure to clean the air conditioning vents is vital, as they collect mold spores and dust throughout the winter, and these can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Air conditioning filters will also help to limit symptoms.

2) Make sure to know when the pollen count is highest in your area. Most days, this is between 5 am and 10 am. If you can limit your outdoor activities during this time, it will also limit your symptom outbreaks.

3) Check your pollen count daily! There are many ways to do this, including apps for your phone and the National Allergy Bureau ( You can also use this link to for your Staten Island-specific pollen count.

4) When possible make sure to use air conditioning instead of open windows and fans. The latter will bring allergens into your house. The former will filter them out.

5) If you are driving, it is best to use the air conditioner here as well, for the same reasons.

6) Pollen can travel easier on dry, hot, windy days. Try to limit outdoor exposure on days like this.

7) Use the dryer to dry your clothes, don’t hang them out to dry. Allergens and dust will collect on them if you hang them out to dry.

8) Do not mow the lawn or rake the leaves without a filter mask

9) Wash your bedding every week in hot water. Hot water will help to rid your bedding of allergens

10) Before bed, every night thoroughly shower and wash your hair to remove allergens.

11) Remove any visible mold in your home using non-toxic cleaning products.

12) Be aware that at certain times there may be a higher mold spore count. Typically this would be in the evening or after heavy rain.

13) When outdoors, you can protect your eyes from pollen spores by wearing sunglasses.

14) If you need contacts, during the allergy season, stick to daily disposable lenses.

Contact Us

11 Ralph Place, Suite 205
Staten Island, NY 10304 [map]

(p) 718-273-9111 (f) 718-273-9112

Office Hours

  • Mondays (12pm-6:00pm)
  • Wednesdays (10am-4:00pm)

We accept same-day appointments (based on availability).